AAA indbyder til møde tirsdag den 21. januar 2020 kl. 17.00-19.00
Mødet holdes i 3F – København, Peter Ipsens Allé 25, 2400 København NV
Aktionsgruppen får besøg fra Tyskland. Vi får besøg fra 2 tyske arbejdere, som arbejder med at oprette netværk med kinesiske arbejdere. Se deres præsentation nedenfor.
Mødet vil foregå på engelsk, men vi har aktivister som godt kan hjælpe med at hvisketolke, hvis man har brug for det.
Germany and China are often seen as leading forces in global economy. The global wealth is being produced by the workers and the workers are an active force in the developments. The rise of the Chinese economy is dominating the headlines of the media and there is only little interest in the workers struggles in this development. 2008 the German NGO “Forum Arbeitswelten – China und Deutschland” was formed to focus on labour issues. It is active in building up an exchange of information and direct contacts between labour activists and ordinary workers. Films have been subtitled, studies on the workers situation in both countries have been released in Chinese and German and Groups of workers and activists got the opportunity to visit the other country. Meetings have been arranged with trade unions in both countries where possible and independently where necessary. Some events had to be organized in a clandestine framework.
Wolfgang Schaumberg and Karsten Weber will talk about the experiences of this NGO and the growing difficulties under increasing surveillance and repression in the Xi Jinping era.
Wolgang Schaumberg: Former Opel Worker, GoG member, founding member and part of the association’s board of Forum Arbeitswelten.
Karsten Weber: Industrial electrician, film maker, member of Forum Arbeitswelten, with a political focus on precarious work.
Der vil på mødet blive budt på en sandwich, så det er derfor nødvendigt med tilmelding på . Dette senest den 17. januar 2020.